Sunday, January 11, 2009

Emerald Park Residents' Association EPRA - Guard House Security GHS - Emerald Park Rukun Tetangga EPRT


Q: What is the difference between Emerald Park Residents’ Association (EPRA), Guard House Security (GHS) and Emerald Park Rukun Tetangga (EPRT)?
A: EPRA is a voluntary association for all residents of Emerald Park. Membership is RM25, a one off payment for life for each household. It entitles each household member to attend EPRA AGM, elect office-bearers, and become AJK members of EPRA. EPRA is responsible, among other things, for managing the Guard House Security (GHS). GHS is provided by EPRA. It is a 24 hour security service, provided by two persons, 7 days a week, throughout the year at the Guard House. Payment for this security service is RM 360 per year for every household, payable in advance in Nov-Dec for the following year. When the security fee is paid, every household is entitled to buy car stickers at RM3 each for every other car that they have, the first sticker being free. Cars with stickers go through the security barrier without any inconvenience whatsoever. If cars do not have security stickers, the security guards are obliged to stop such cars to verify the status to make sure criminals do not gain access into Emerald Park. EPRT was established in September 2008. All households are automatically members of EPRT. There is no payment for membership. The AJK of EPRT consists of 25 members, all appointed by the government. Its role, inter alia, is to complement security in Emerald Park and its programmes will be sponsored by the government.

Q: Do I have to be a member of EPRA?
A: No, it is a voluntary association. If you decide to become a member, you can have a voice in the affairs of Emerald Park by attending EPRA AGM, electing EPRA AJK, and standing for election to any of the posts in EPRA AJK. You just need to pay RM25 for life.

Q: Do I have to sign up for GHS?
A: No, but if you do, you avoid the inconvenience of being stopped by the security guards to verify your status every time you make an entrance into Emerald Park. You will also know that your house and family are protected throughout the year within Emerald Park. Besides, you will have the satisfaction to know that you are not living on the charity of other residents who have paid regularly to maintain the Guard House Security in Emerald Park.

Q: Can I sign up for GHS but not become a member of EPRA?
A: Yes you can, but we encourage you to sign up for both because you can provide valuable input into managing GHS, as a member of EPRA.

Q: Can I be a member of EPRA but not pay for GHS?
A: You can but you will be stopped by the security guards because you will not have security stickers in your car.

Q: Why do we need GHS when we have EPRT?
A: GHS is 24 hour security, every day of the year. EPRT, on the other hand, will be only patrol duties at night, if and when it is implemented. Most break-ins in Emerald Park, before GHS was introduced, took place during daylight hours. Therefore, GHS is essential, even though EPRT has been established.

Q: Is it compulsory to participate in EPRT?
A: No, it is not. Participation in patrol duties is voluntary. But if you participate, it will foster the community spirit among all residents in Emerald Park.

Q: Why have EPRT when GHS provides the security?
A: Well, it is true GHS provides 24 hour security. But having EPRT allows us to have lots of programmes for the community in Emerald Park, which will all be sponsored by the government. Furthermore, the security provided by EPRT, limited to patrol duties at night, is insufficient to protect Emerald Park from criminals during the day.