Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gotong-Royong Campaign

21 April 2009: A gotong royong was launched to clean up the area on the eastern side of Emerald Park which borders the school compound. The purpose was not only to prune the trees and bushes along the boundary but also to clear all the rubbish that have been strewn there by irresponsible residents living in the old phase of Emerald Park. Such rubbish would become the fertile breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes! About 40 odd residents assembled at the basketball court at 7.30 am to kick off the campaign. Tuan Chow Wai Fatt from MPS, together with workers, lorries, and an excavator were also brought to assist us in our task. It was exhausting work for all those who wielded the parangs to slash the undergrowth in the blazing morning sun ! We would like to thank En. Steven Aw, one of the residents, who provided us with lots of bottled drinks to quench our thirst. We finished just after noon, having trimmed all the trees and most rubbish carted away in the MPS lorries. We would like to remind all residents NOT to throw rubbish along the boundary fence because it is not only unsightly but it is hazardous to health.

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